The subgraph is here:


type FreeNFTDrop @entity(immutable: true) {
  "a Free NFT Drop is an ERC721 contract, we use the contract address as the id"
  id: Bytes!

	createdAt: BigInt # block timestamp
  creator: Bytes! # address
  editionSize: BigInt! # uint256
  deadline: BigInt! # uint256
  name: String
  description: String
  animationUrl: String
  imageUrl: String

When a Showtime user creates a drop (identified by address creator), we deploy a unique ERC721 collection (identified by address id in the subgraph) that other users can mint from. We enforce that users can only mint a single item from the same collection, but they may end up owning multiple items from the same collection if they buy or otherwise transfer them from other accounts.

The name and description are text fields provided by the creator.

Drops normally either have an imageUrl (for static images) or an animationUrl (for video drops), both ipfs://... links.

More context about Free NFTs in general:

What are Showtime Drops?

Sample queries

Drops from a specific creator:

  freeNFTDrops(where: { creator: "0x3cfa5fe88512db62e40d0f91b7e59af34c1b098f" }) {